The Registry

The registry plays a key role in the configuration and control of Windows systems. It is the repository for both systemwide and per-user settings. Although most people think of the registry as static data stored on the hard disk, as you'll see in this section, the registry is also a window into various in-memory structures maintained by the Windows executive and kernel. This section isn't meant to be a complete reference to the contents of the Windows registry. That kind of in-depth information is documented in the "Technical Reference to the Windows 2000 Registry" help file in the Windows 2000 resource kits (Regentry.chm), and for Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 that information can be found online as part of the Windows Server 2003 Deployment Kit at

We'll start by providing you with an overview of the registry structure, a discussion of the data types it supports, and a brief tour of the key information Windows maintains in the registry. Then we'll look inside the internals of the configuration manager, the executive component responsible for implementing the registry database. Among the topics we'll cover are the internal on-disk structure of the registry, how Windows retrieves configuration information when an application requests it, and what measures are employed to protect this critical system database.

Viewing and Changing the Registry

In general, you should never have to edit the registry directly: application and system settings stored in the registry that might require manual changes should have a corresponding user interface to control their modification. However, as you've already seen a number of times in this book, some advanced and debug settings have no editing user interface. Therefore, a number of tools are included with Windows that enable you to view and modify the registry.

Windows 2000 comes with two tools for editing the registry—Regedit.exe and Regedt32.exe— whereas Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 have only Regedit.exe. The reason is that the Windows 2000 version of Regedit, which has flexible searching, importing, and exporting capabilities, was ported from Windows 98 and therefore does not support editing or viewing registry security or registry data types not defined on Windows 98. Windows 2000 includes Regedt32 because although it doesn't have as powerful a search feature or support importing and exporting, it was written to run only on Windows 2000 and so it supports security and Windows 2000–specific data types. The Regedit included with Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 includes security editing and knowledge of all registry data types, and thus obviates the need for Regedt32.

There are also a number of command-line registry tools. Reg.exe, for instance, which is included in Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 and available in the Windows 2000 Support Tools, has the ability to import, export, back up, and restore keys, as well as to compare, modify, and delete keys and values.

Registry Usage

There are three principal times that configuration data is read:

  • During the boot process, the system reads settings that specify what device drivers to load and how various subsystems—such as the memory manager and process manager— configure themselves and tune system behavior.

  • During login, Explorer and other Windows components read per-user preferences from the registry, including network drive-letter mappings, desktop wallpaper, screen saver, menu behavior, and icon placement.

  • During their startup, applications read systemwide settings, such as a list of optionally installed components and licensing data, as well as per-user settings that might include menu and toolbar placement and a list of most-recently accessed documents.

However, the registry can be read at other times as well, such as in response to a modification of a registry value or key. Some applications monitor their configuration settings in the registry and read updated settings when they see a change. In general, however, on an idle system there should be no registry activity.

The registry is commonly modified in the following cases:

  • Although not a modification, the registry's initial structure and many default settings are defined by a prototype version of the registry that ships on the Windows setup media that is copied onto a new installation.

  • Application setup utilities create default application settings and settings that reflect installation configuration choices.

  • During the installation of a device driver, the Plug and Play system creates settings in the registry that tell the I/O manager how to start the driver and creates other settings that configure the driver's operation. (See Chapter 9 for more information on how device drivers are installed.)

  • When you change application or system settings through user interfaces, the changes are often stored in the registry.

Registry Data Types

The registry is a database whose structure is similar to that of a disk volume. The registry contains keys, which are similar to a disk's directories, and values, which are comparable to files on a disk. A key is a container that can consist of other keys (subkeys) or values. Values, on the other hand, store data. Top-level keys are root keys. Throughout this section, we'll use the words subkey and key interchangeably. (Only root keys are not subkeys.)

Both keys and values borrow their naming convention from the file system. Thus, you can uniquely identify a value with the name mark, which is stored in a key called trade, with the name trade\mark. One exception to this naming scheme is each key's unnamed value. The two Registry Editor utilities, Regedit and Regedt32, display these values differently: Regedit displays the unnamed value as (Default); Regedt32 uses <No Name>.

Values store different kinds of data and can be one of the 15 types listed in Table 4-1. The majority of registry values are REG_DWORD, REG_BINARY, or REG_SZ. Values of type REG_DWORD can store numbers or Booleans (on/off values); REG_BINARY values can store numbers larger than 32 bits or raw data such as encrypted passwords; REG_SZ values store strings (Unicode, of course) that can represent elements such as names, filenames, paths, and types.

Table 4-1. Registry Value Types

Value Type



No value type.


Fixed-length Unicode string.


Variable-length Unicode string that can have embedded environment variables.


Arbitrary-length binary data.


32-bit number.


32-bit number, with low byte first. This is equivalent to REG_DWORD.


32-bit number, with high byte first.


Unicode symbolic link.


Array of Unicode NULL-terminated strings.


Hardware resource description.


Hardware resource description.


Resource requirements.


64-bit number.


64-bit number, with low byte first. This is equivalent to REG_QWORD.


64-bit number, with high byte first.


The REG_LINK type is particularly interesting because it lets a key transparently point to another key or value. When you traverse the registry through a link, the path searching continues at the target of the link. For example, if \Root1\Link has a REG_LINK value of \Root2\RegKey, and RegKey contains the value RegValue, two paths identify RegValue: \Root1\Link\RegValue and \Root2\RegKey\RegValue. As explained in the next section, Windows prominently uses registry links: three of the six registry root keys are links to subkeys within the three nonlink root keys. Links aren't saved; they must be dynamically created after each reboot.

Registry Logical Structure

You can chart the organization of the registry via the data stored within it. There are six root keys (and you can't add new root keys or delete existing ones) that store information, as shown in Table 4-2.

Table 4-2. The Six Root Keys

Root Key



Stores data associated with the currently logged-on user


Stores information about all the accounts on the machine


Stores file association and Component Object Model (COM) object registration information


Stores system-related information


Stores performance information


Stores some information about the current hardware profile


Why do root-key names begin with an H? Because the root-key names represent Windows handles (H) to keys (KEY). As mentioned in Chapter 1, HKLM is an abbreviation used for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. Table 4-3 lists all the root keys and their abbreviations. The following sections explain in detail the contents and purpose of each of these six root keys. Again, see the "Technical Reference to the Windows 2000 Registry" help file in the Windows 2000 resource kits or the registry section of the Windows Server 2003 Deployment Kit for details on the contents of these keys.

Table 4-3. Registry Root Keys

Root Key






Points to the user profile of the currently logged-on user

Subkey under HKEY_USERS corresponding to currently logged-on user



Contains subkeys for all loaded user profiles

Not a link



Contains file association and COM registration information




Placeholder—contains other keys

Not a link



Current hardware profile

HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Hardware Profiles\ Current



Performance counters

Not a link


The HKCU root key contains data regarding the preferences and software configuration of the locally logged-on user. It points to the currently logged-on user's user profile, located on the hard disk at \Documents and Settings\<username>\Ntuser.dat. (See the section "Registry Internals" later in this chapter to find out how root keys are mapped to files on the hard disk.) Whenever a user profile is loaded (such as at logon time or when a service process runs under the context of a specific username), HKCU is created as a link to the user's key under HKEY_USERS. Table 4-4 lists some of the subkeys under HKCU.

Table 4-4. HKEY_CURRENT_USER Subkeys




Sound/event associations


Command window settings (for example, width, height, and colors)

Control Panel

Screen saver, desktop scheme, keyboard, and mouse settings as well as accessibility and regional settings


Environment variable definitions

Keyboard Layout

Keyboard layout setting (for example, U.S. or U.K.)


Network drive mappings and settings


Printer connection settings


User-specific software preferences

UNICODE Program Groups

User-specific start menu group definitions

Windows 3.1 Migration Status

File status data for systems that upgrade from Windows 3.x to Windows 2000 and higher


HKU contains a subkey for each loaded user profile and user class registration database on the system. It also contains a subkey named HKU\.DEFAULT that is linked to the profile for the system (which is used by processes running under the local system account and is described in more detail in the section "Services" later in this chapter). This is the profile used by Winlogon, for example, so that changes to the desktop background settings in that profile will be implemented on the logon screen. When a user logs on to a system for the first time and her account does not depend on a roaming domain profile (that is, the user's profile is obtained from a central network location at the direction of a domain controller), the system creates a profile for her account that's based on the profile stored in C:\Documents and Settings\Default User.

The location under which the system stores profiles is defined by the registry value HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList\ProfilesDirectory, which is by default set to %SystemDrive%\Documents and Settings. The ProfileList key also stores the list of profiles present on a system. Information for each profile resides under a subkey that has a name reflecting the Security Identifier (SID) of the account to which the profile corresponds. (See Chapter 8 for more information on SIDs.) Data stored in a profile's key includes the time of the last load of the profile in the ProfileLoadTimeLow and ProfileLoadTime- High values, the binary representation of the account SID in the Sid value, and the path to the profile's on-disk hive (which is described later in this chapter in the "Hives" section) in the ProfileImagePath directory. Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 show the list of profiles stored on a system in the User Profiles management dialog box, shown in Figure 4-1, that you access by clicking Settings in the User Profiles section of the Advanced Tab on the System Control Panel applet.


HKCR consists of two types of information: file extension associations and COM class registrations. A key exists for every registered filename extension. Most keys contain a REG_SZ value that points to another key in HKCR containing the association information for the class of files that extension represents. For example, HKCR\.xls would point to information on Microsoft Excel files in a key such as HKCU\Excel.Sheet.8. Other keys contain configuration details for COM objects registered on the system.

The data under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT comes from two sources:

  • The per-user class registration data in HKCU\SOFTWARE\Classes (mapped to the file on hard disk \Documents and Settings\<username>\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows\Usrclass.dat)

  • Systemwide class registration data in HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes

The reason that there is a separation of per-user registration data from systemwide registration data is so that roaming profiles can contain these customizations. It also closes a security hole: a nonprivileged user cannot change or delete keys in the systemwide version HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, and thus cannot affect the operation of applications on the system. Nonprivileged users and applications can read systemwide data and can add new keys and values to systemwide data (which are mirrored in their per-user data), but they can modify existing keys and values in their private data only.


HKLM is the root key that contains all the systemwide configuration subkeys: HARDWARE, SAM, SECURITY, SOFTWARE, and SYSTEM.

The HKLM\HARDWARE subkey maintains descriptions of the system's hardware and all hardware device-to-driver mappings. The Device Manager tool (which is available by running System from Control Panel, clicking the Hardware tab, and then clicking Device Manager) lets you view registry hardware information that it obtains by simply reading values out of the HARDWARE key.

HKLM\SAM holds local account and group information, such as user passwords, group definitions, and domain associations. Windows Server systems that are operating as domain controllers store domain accounts and groups in Active Directory, a database that stores domainwide settings and information. (Active Directory isn't described in this book.) By default, the security descriptor on the SAM key is configured so that even the administrator account doesn't have access.

HKLM\SECURITY stores systemwide security policies and user-rights assignments. HKLM\SAM is linked into the SECURITY subkey under HKLM\SECURITY\SAM. By default, you can't view the contents of HKLM\SECURITY or HKLM\SAM\SAM because the security settings of those keys allow access only by the system account. (System accounts are discussed in greater detail later in this chapter.) You can change the security descriptor to allow read access to administrators, or you can use PsExec to run Regedit in the local system account (as shown in the related experiment for how to do that) if you want to peer inside. However, that glimpse won't be very revealing because the data is undocumented and the passwords are encrypted with one-way mapping—that is, you can't determine a password from its encrypted form.

HKLM\SOFTWARE is where Windows stores systemwide configuration information not needed to boot the system. Also, third-party applications store their systemwide settings here, such as paths to application files and directories, and licensing and expiration date information.

HKLM\SYSTEM contains the systemwide configuration information needed to boot the system, such as which device drivers to load and which services to start. Because this information is critical to starting the system, Windows also maintains a copy of part of this information, called the last known good control set, under this key. The maintenance of a copy allows an administrator to select a previously working control set in the case that configuration changes made to the current control set prevent the system from booting. For details on when Windows declares the current control set "good," see the section "Accepting the Boot and Last Known Good."


HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG is just a link to the current hardware profile, stored under HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Hardware Profiles\Current. Hardware profiles allow the administrator to configure variations to the base system driver settings. Although the underlying profile might change from boot to boot, applications can always reference the currently active profile through this key. Hardware profile management is managed through the Hardware Profiles dialog box that you access by clicking Settings in the Hardware Profiles section on the Hardware page of the Control Panel's System applet. During the boot process, Ntldr will prompt you to specify which profile it should use if there is more than one.


The registry is the mechanism to access performance counter values on Windows, whether those are from operating system components or server applications. One of the side benefits of providing access to the performance counters via the registry is that remote performance monitoring works "for free" because the registry is easily accessible remotely through the normal registry APIs.

You can access the registry performance counter information directly by opening a special key named HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA and querying values beneath it. You won't find this key by looking in the Registry Editor; this key is available only programmatically through the Windows registry functions, such as RegQueryValueEx. Performance information isn't actually stored in the registry; the registry functions use this key to locate the information from performance data providers.

You can also access performance counter information by using the Performance Data Helper (PDH) functions available through the Performance Data Helper API (Pdh.dll). Figure 4-2 shows the components involved in accessing performance counter information.


Figure 4-2. Registry performance counter architecture

Troubleshooting Registry Problems

Because the system and applications depend so heavily on configuration settings to guide their behavior, system and application failures can result from changing registry data or security. When the system or an application fails to read settings that it assumes it will always be able to access, it can misbehave by crashing, displaying error messages that hide the root cause, or by not executing with limited functionality. It's virtually impossible to know what registry keys or values are misconfigured without understanding how the system or the application that's failing is accessing the registry. In such situations, the Regmon utility from might provide the answer.

Regmon lets you monitor registry activity as it occurs. For each registry access, Regmon shows you the process that performed the access and the time, type, and result of the access. This information is useful for seeing how applications and the system rely on the registry, discovering where applications and the system store configuration settings and troubleshooting problems related to applications having missing registry keys or values. Regmon includes advanced filtering and highlighting so that you can zoom in on activity related to specific keys or values, or to the activity of particular processes.

Regmon Internals

Regmon relies on a device driver that it extracts from its executable image at run time and then starts. Its first execution requires that the account running it have the Load Driver privilege as well as the Debug privilege; subsequent executions in the same boot session require only the Debug privilege because once loaded, the driver remains resident.

There are actually three drivers stored within the Regmon executable: one for use on Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows Millennium; one for Windows NT, Windows 2000, and Windows XP; and another for use on Windows Server 2003. The reason that there is a driver specific to Windows Server 2003 is that on Windows NT, Windows 2000, and Windows XP the only way for a driver to monitor all registry activity is through system-call hooking and because on Windows Server 2003 a driver can use the registry callback mechanism to monitor registry activity. (Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows Millennium support a different registry monitoring mechanism.)

Recall from the "System Service Dispatching" section of Chapter 3 that system service function addresses are stored in a system service dispatch table in the kernel. A driver can hook a system service by saving the address of a function from the array and replacing the array entry with the address of its hook function. After performing theses steps, any invocations of the hooked system service get diverted to the hooking driver's function, which can examine or modify the parameters to the function and, optionally, execute the original system service function. If it calls the original function, the driver can also examine the result of the operation and examine data the function returns, such as data associated with registry values. Figure 4-3 shows how Regmon intercepts registry functions in kernel mode.


Figure 4-3. Regmon's use of system service hooking


The registry callback mechanism was introduced in Windows XP; however, Regmon still uses system call hooking when run on Windows XP because the callback mechanism on Windows XP does not report all registry activity. When a driver uses the callback mechanism, it registers a callback function with the configuration manager. The configuration manager executes the driver's callback functions at certain points during the execution of registry system services so that the driver has full visibility and control over registry accesses. Antivirus products that scan registry data for viruses or prevent unauthorized processes from modifying the registry are other users of the callback mechanism.

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